COVID-19 New Office Protocols
With all the caution that needs to be practiced during this time and per the recommendations of the American Dental Association and the Wisconsin Dental Association, Kewaskum Family Dentistry will start to see patients on a non-emergent basis May 11th, 2020. All appointments scheduled prior to May 11th will be rescheduled unless you have recently scheduled an emergency visit with the doctor.
There are going to be numerous changes in how we operate the clinic until the Fourth of July, which would be the earliest we would entertain the idea of relaxing the protocols.
- Our office will communicate with you beforehand to ask some screening questions. You’ll be asked those same questions again when you arrive at our office.
- We ask that all patients stay in their vehicle upon arrival at the clinic and call or text our office to check in for their appointment. If the appointment is for your child, we respectfully ask that all parents stay in their vehicles.
- All persons entering the office will be required to use hand sanitizer before any other action is taken.
- Thereafter, all persons entering the office will have their temperature taken with a touchless thermometer and it will be recorded in their chart. All staff members are being screened twice daily as well to ensure the safety of our patients. Anyone presenting with a temperature over 100 degrees will be sent home.
- There will be a COVID-19 dental treatment consent to be reviewed and signed prior to seeing the doctor. Any person who will be entering the office will need to review and sign this document, it is for the safety of not only yourself but for our staff as well.
- As the weeks progress and the office begins to see more activity, we are monitoring the flow of patients and the schedule carefully to avoid close contact with any individual, respecting the social distancing rule as much as possible.
- Our staff has stayed current and have been recertified with all OSHA requirements and recommended COVID-19 protocols to ensure a safe environment for treating our patients; this includes the proper amount of time needed to disinfect treatment operatories and prepare for the next patient’s appointment.
- Our office has taken extra steps in the past weeks to protect our patients during this time. The most obvious changes our patients will notice is the personal protective equipment our chairside providers will be wearing, including different facial masks (N95 masks) and face shields to significantly reduce droplet transfer.
Dental cleanings and periodontal care will resume after Memorial Day allowing appropriate time between patients for proper sanitation and disinfection care of the treatment rooms. As the total number of COVID-19 positive cases continue to drop we will be adjusting the schedules accordingly to maximize our time with our patients. We understand that most of our patients have been rescheduled once if not more due to COVID and we thank you for your patience.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact our office at 262-626-2119. We look forward to seeing you all soon, stay safe and stay healthy!
Kewaskum Family Dentistry