Tips To Keep Your Gums Healthy

At Kewaskum Family Dentistry, we care about the state of your teeth as well as your gums. There is a common condition known as gum disease that affects more than half of American adults. It is likely that you know someone who suffers from gum disease. If you are unfamiliar, gum disease is an infection that develops in the gum tissue. The severity can depend on the length of time you have been experiencing symptoms. Receiving regular dental care is important, as dental professionals are the only ones who are able to diagnose the condition. Unlike other dental issues, the symptoms often make themselves known when it is too late.

Importance Of Caring For Teeth When You Are Under The Weather

We don’t know about you, but we can’t believe the holiday season has ended and we have started 2023! Being that we are in Wisconsin, we have our fair share of snow storms to last us through the winter and beyond. Aside from the snow, one of the other problems that occurs during the winter is illness. While we all know how to protect ourselves from illness, some germs still manage to sneak into our bodies. We want to share the importance of continuing to care for your oral health even when you are feeling under the weather. Failure to care for your teeth properly can lead to major consequences in the future.

Why Does My Breath Smell Like That?

Do you feel self-conscious about the smell of your breath? Do you find yourself keeping your distance when speaking to others? It is not uncommon to experience bad breath from time to time, especially after eating certain foods such as garlic and onions. Usually the problem is resolved once you are able to rush and floss your teeth. The problem becomes more serious when you experience frequent bad breath and you are not sure of the cause. Persistent breath issues can be a warning that something is wrong with your oral health. Continue reading to learn more about what can cause bad breath.

COVID-19 New Office Protocols

With all the caution that needs to be practiced during this time and per the recommendations of the American Dental Association and the Wisconsin Dental Association, Kewaskum Family Dentistry will start to see patients on a non-emergent basis May 11th, 2020. There are going to be some changes in how we operate the clinic as we start to reopen the practice. Read more to see the new protocols and changes.