Have You Considered Braces As An Adult?

Have you ever been embarrassed by a misaligned smile or crooked teeth? If you’re thinking about braces, does a teenager with a mouth of metal brackets and wire come to mind? Well, teenagers are no longer the only people with braces. In fact, people of all ages are getting braces to help them improve the look and function of their teeth. Read on to find out more.

Straighter Teeth At Any Age

Do you think you missed the boat on having straighter teeth or a better aligned smile now that you are an adult? When you think of braces do you only think of teenagers wearing a mouth full of metal? We want you to know that even as an adult, you can improve the alignment of your teeth and bite using orthodontics. What’s more, you also have options other than metal for braces, including ceramic and clear.

The Case For Early Orthodontic Treatment

As your child’s teeth start to come in, you may notice overcrowded or crooked teeth or that they have an over or underbite. Don’t assume you can wait until they are in their early teens to see an orthodontist. By 7 years old, recommend your child be seen if they are showing signs of orthodontic issues. The chances of correcting overcrowding or a misaligned bite are greater (and treatment is less costly) when orthodontic treatments begin at a younger age.