Everything You Need To Know About Cavities

At Kewaskum Family Dentistry, we recommend that our patients visit us every four to six months for a routine oral hygiene examination and cleaning. During these visits, we do more than just clean your teeth–we also check for signs of problems such as gum disease, oral cancer, and dental decay. One of the most common concerns patients have during their appointments is whether there are any signs of decay or cavities. Cavities are the most common dental issue seen in both children and adults. While many people are familiar with the term, we want to make sure you understand how cavities develop and why they can be harmful to your oral health.

What To Know About Tooth Extractions

At Kewaskum Family Dentistry, we do all we can to help our patients save their natural teeth. Unfortunately, it is not always possible, and we may need to perform a tooth extraction. There are many reasons why a tooth extraction may be needed, including severe decay, trauma to the mouth, complications from wisdom teeth, severe gum disease, and removing teeth prior to orthodontic treatment.

Oral Health Warnings Not To Ignore

During routine oral hygiene examination appointments, we thoroughly inspect your teeth and gums for signs of any problems. Between appointments, it is important to be mindful of your teeth and gums. A problem can arise with your oral health at any time. Like other areas of your body, your mouth gives certain warning signs that you may have a problem with your oral health. These are some signs to be mindful of:

Facts About Dental Crowns

One of the most common treatments that we perform, other than a filling, is a dental crown. If we recommended a dental crown to you during your last visit, we recommend scheduling your appointment today. We know that it can be intimidating when we recommend a dental treatment, especially if you have never experienced the process before. However, delaying treatment can lead to serious complications with your oral health. Read on to learn more about getting a dental crown and the reasons we may recommend this treatment.

Is A Cracked Tooth Really That Serious?

We want to do everything we can to help our patients avoid a dental emergency. We know that sometimes emergencies are out of our control, but other times we do not help the state of our oral health by making bad choices, such as avoiding routine examinations. While there are many different dental emergencies that can occur, one in particular requires an immediate visit to our office — a cracked tooth. Read on to learn more about why a cracked tooth should never be ignored.

Why Celebrate National Toothache Day?

Aside from Valentine’s Day, there is another special day we hope you celebrated at the beginning of the month — National Toothache Day. Nobody likes a toothache, so you may be wondering why we celebrate a day with this title. This day is not to celebrate the discomfort associated with a toothache, but rather to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining proper oral hygiene in order to avoid the dreaded toothache.