Dental Trends To Avoid
We are living in a time when social media dictates popular trends in fashion, dances, and unfortunately, also health advice. The problem is that many of these trends are not created by professionals, so there is often risk and even danger involved, especially with a medical or dental trend. We want to discuss some of the more recent dental trends and explain why they are bad ideas.
At-Home Whitening With Homemade Ingredients
People are always looking for ways to brighten their smile, but we encourage you to reach out to our office for professional help and leave your ingredients in the cabinets where they belong. You can cause irreversible damage to the outer covering of your teeth, also known as the enamel, by trying to whiten your teeth with a homemade formula. Many of the items often recommended are too harsh in their pure form to whiten your teeth in a healthy way.
Activated Charcoal Toothpaste
With the claim of removing toxins from the skin, charcoal has become a popular ingredient in many face masks and soaps. Some people claim that it can do the same thing with your teeth and help prevent decay and whiten them. We recommend avoiding this completely. Charcoal is extremely harsh on your tooth enamel and can cause premature wear and serious complications with your oral health. Aside from causing serious damage, charcoal toothpaste has yet to be proven safe for your oral health.
Apple Cider Vinegar
There are claims that drinking apple cider vinegar can help with digestion and weight loss. While we cannot speak on those claims, we can tell you that it can cause serious damage to your teeth. Vinegar is highly acidic and will cause decay and cause teeth to wear faster, become brittle, crack, and break.
If you are interested in learning if the dental trend you want to try is helpful or harmful to your oral health, please call our office located in Kewaskum, WI. We want what is best for you and your oral health and don’t want you to try something that is going to potentially harm your teeth and gums.