Summertime Oral Hygiene Tips

Are you ready for the summer season to officially start? We certainly are! After the winter cold, there is nothing like the warmer weather and the opportunity to spend time outdoors. With summer plans, we know that it can get tricky to maintain your oral hygiene routine. This is particularly important to our child and teen patients. We want to give some tips on how to keep your child’s teeth healthy all summer long. Continue reading to learn these helpful tips.

How To Help Keep Your Children’s Teeth Healthy

We are passionate about helping our patients of all ages prevent tooth decay. Unfortunately, our younger patients often need some assistance cleaning their teeth and learning healthy dental habits. If you are a parent of a young child or you have a young child in your life, you know it can be a struggle to get them to understand the importance of brushing their teeth properly and caring for their oral health to prevent tooth decay from developing. We want to share some tips on how to help your child or young loved one prevent tooth decay. Read on to learn more.

Why Celebrate National Toothache Day?

Aside from Valentine’s Day, there is another special day we hope you celebrated at the beginning of the month — National Toothache Day. Nobody likes a toothache, so you may be wondering why we celebrate a day with this title. This day is not to celebrate the discomfort associated with a toothache, but rather to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining proper oral hygiene in order to avoid the dreaded toothache.

Importance Of Caring For Teeth When You Are Under The Weather

We don’t know about you, but we can’t believe the holiday season has ended and we have started 2023! Being that we are in Wisconsin, we have our fair share of snow storms to last us through the winter and beyond. Aside from the snow, one of the other problems that occurs during the winter is illness. While we all know how to protect ourselves from illness, some germs still manage to sneak into our bodies. We want to share the importance of continuing to care for your oral health even when you are feeling under the weather. Failure to care for your teeth properly can lead to major consequences in the future.