How To Seal Away Tooth Decay

It can be challenging for some of our patients to maintain an oral hygiene routine that helps prevent tooth decay from developing. This is particularly true for our young patients. If you have a child in your life, you may be familiar with the difficulty they often experience when brushing their teeth. Some children focus solely on the front teeth and forget to brush their back teeth. Other children chew and bite on their toothbrushes, not really accomplishing much of anything. We know parents are passionate about teaching proper oral hygiene, not only to create lasting habits but also to help prevent tooth decay. Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic conditions children experience. We want to share one common dental treatment that can help protect your children’s teeth. Read on to learn more.

Importance Of Caring For Teeth When You Are Under The Weather

We don’t know about you, but we can’t believe the holiday season has ended and we have started 2023! Being that we are in Wisconsin, we have our fair share of snow storms to last us through the winter and beyond. Aside from the snow, one of the other problems that occurs during the winter is illness. While we all know how to protect ourselves from illness, some germs still manage to sneak into our bodies. We want to share the importance of continuing to care for your oral health even when you are feeling under the weather. Failure to care for your teeth properly can lead to major consequences in the future.

Why Does My Breath Smell Like That?

Do you feel self-conscious about the smell of your breath? Do you find yourself keeping your distance when speaking to others? It is not uncommon to experience bad breath from time to time, especially after eating certain foods such as garlic and onions. Usually the problem is resolved once you are able to rush and floss your teeth. The problem becomes more serious when you experience frequent bad breath and you are not sure of the cause. Persistent breath issues can be a warning that something is wrong with your oral health. Continue reading to learn more about what can cause bad breath.

The Natural Cavity Fighter

As a natural cavity fighter, fluoride is important in maintaining oral health. Fluoride is even added to some countries’ public water supplies, including the United States, to help citizens maintain good oral health. What is fluoride? It is a naturally occurring mineral that is found in the environment. Teeth receive and lose minerals everyday through the enamel coating. Acid attacks the enamel when minerals are lost. Fluoride works to protect the enamel by making the surface of the teeth resistant to harm done by acidic foods and drinks.